Haruka Asada(Haruka Ogura) guraduated Police Academy and she was assigned to foreign affairs section of the Metropolitan Police Department which deal with spy issue and terrorism. It's dangerous work ,but she enjoys everyday because now she teams up with detective Ichijo Who is her special. One day she was summoned before the chief of the investigation Nekoyanagi. To condition themselves for international match, foreign players visited to camp Aoiso Beach, and then their meals proved to be poisoned. Foreign affairs section started investigation into foreign spys. Nekoyanagi's plan was all investigation members disguise beach volleyball players. At the time Haruka's rival Wakana Ayuhara who trained anti terrorism mission appeared. They paired up but their combination was too bad. Coach Ichinose's training was so hard. she was likely to give up. What's more Chinese, Russian and Indian players appeared. Can Haruka and Wakana win the beachvolley and solve the case?